Please consider becoming a member of The Judy Garland Experience on Yahoo, the world's most exciting Judy Garland group. The group features an ever changing supply of rare and never released Judy Garland recordings (as well as many of artists), an amazing collection of non published Garland photos, lively discussions, and more. The membership includes Garland family members, other celebrities, people who knew and worked with Judy, authors, historians, film makers, and fans from every level. It appears that the only one missing is you! So please, stop by our little Judyville and check it out, You might find that you'll never want to leave.If you are not a member of Yahoo, no worries, it is free, and easy to join. Here is the link to The Judy Garland Experience, hope to see you there:
Hi. I'm Bear.
I am, as I say in my bio, personally & professionally, a handful. Also? Preposterous, disastrous, sometimes simply drunk. But I mean well.
I pretty much like any conversation encompassing bears, forests, Madonna, honey, the Scissor Sisters, hibernation, Judy Garland, the bear necessities, personal growth and the absurd machinations between men & bears otherwise known as "dating." Yeah. I said it. I'm into that shit.
Email me here -
Yes, I'm really furry. No, I'm not faking it.
"Don't spend your time lookin' around for something you want that can't be found. When you find out you can live without it and go along not thinkin' about it I'll tell you something true. The bear necessities of life will come to you."
Jan 1 - Jan 2: Poconos for New Years Ski Trip
Feb 13 - Feb 16 (?): Valentine's Trip (?)
June 12 - June 14: Birthday Weekend Trip TBD
July 4 - July 11: LBI Beach Getaway
Please consider becoming a member of The Judy Garland Experience on Yahoo, the world's most exciting Judy Garland group.
ReplyDeleteThe group features an ever changing supply of rare and never released Judy Garland recordings (as well as many of artists), an amazing collection of non published Garland photos, lively discussions, and more.
The membership includes Garland family members, other celebrities, people who knew and worked with Judy, authors, historians, film makers, and fans from every level. It appears that the only one missing is you! So please, stop by our little Judyville and check it out, You might find that you'll never want to leave.If you are not a member of Yahoo, no worries, it is free, and easy to join.
Here is the link to The Judy Garland Experience, hope to see you there: